Grey Ghost Weimaraner Rescue is proud to provide secure donations through our website utilizing the secure processing capabilities of Squarespace and Stripe, and automated tax receipts. We also have accounts through Venmo, Paypal and Zelle where you can donate as well. 


For Venmo payments, the last 4 digits of the phone number is:  9859


How to Use ZELLE® To Donate to Grey Ghost Weimaraner Rescue:  

Zelle is a computer application that enables you to electronically send and receive money to and from people you know. Once you enroll in Zelle, you only need the preferred email address or mobile phone number of the intended recipient to donate money. To donate to GGWR please use this email address:

Recurring Monthly Donations

To set-up a recurring monthly donation to GGWR through PayPal, click the button to the right. You will be able to select a specific fund for your donation to go towards if you have a preference. Be sure to check the box that says “Make this a monthly donation.”

One-Time Fund Donations

To make a one-time donation to a specific fund, please use the buttons below. Thank you for your support!

While the young rascally weims get adopted rather quickly, they also some of the most vet and training intensive goobers! Vet expenses include routine shots, spay/neuter and often surgeries for injuries and ingesting foreign items (hello, where are …

While the young rascally weims get adopted rather quickly, they also some of the most vet and training intensive goobers! Vet expenses include routine shots, spay/neuter and often surgeries for injuries and ingesting foreign items (hello, where are my socks?!)

To donate, click the Young Rascals to Foster Fund button below.

Young Rascals to Foster Fund
Our senior weims frequently need additional vet visits, supplements and other items that our younger weims do not. This includes orthopedic beds to help ease joint pain, joint supplements, belly bands/diapers for urinary issues and pain medication. …

Our senior weims frequently need additional vet visits, supplements and other items that our younger weims do not. This includes orthopedic beds to help ease joint pain, joint supplements, belly bands/diapers for urinary issues and pain medication. With your help we can provide these resources plus additional adjunctive therapies like chiropractic treatments, acupuncture and physical therapy.

To donate, click the Super Seniors Fund button below.

Super Senior Fund

This is the GGWR "general" funds becuase the majority of our everyday expenses go the vetting and training of the weims in our programs. If you are unsure which category to donate to - this is it!

Click Vet & Training to Medical Fundto donate to the health & wellbeing of the GGWR weimies.

Medical Fund
The GGWR Sunday Funday Fund provides adopt me vests for our weims to wear at public events, car decals, stickers, t-shirts, volunteer appreciation items/events and other fun stuff too! These are grey-t items that help spread the word about GGWR, but…

The GGWR Sunday Funday Fund provides adopt me vests for our weims to wear at public events, car decals, stickers, t-shirts, volunteer appreciation items/events and other fun stuff too! These are grey-t items that help spread the word about GGWR, but also allow our supporters to show their love of all things weim.

Click the Sunday Funday to General Fund button below.

Sunday Funday to General Fund