First Name
Last Name
Primary Email
Alternative Email
Address 1
Address 2
Zip/Postal Code
Landline Phone
Cell Phone
What is the best time to reach you?
Morning (9am-11am)
Mid-day (12-2pm)
Afternoon (3-5pm)
Evening (6-8pm)
Are you an experienced owner of a weimaraner and/or high energy hunting breed?
Primary Vet Clinic
How many cats do you own?
How many dogs do you own?
Name, ages & sexes of all animals that you own.
Are all your pets spayed or neutered? If no, please list why.
Are your pets up to date on vaccinations, heartworm testing and other routine care?
Describe how much and what type of physical exercise you give your pets.
Describe what your dog's day is like when you are gone.
What is their evening/nighttime routine like?
What type of dog issues are you experienced with? Were those issues mild, moderate or severe?
Is your dog crate trained?
Do you have extra crates? If so, what type(s).
Is your dog allowed to free roam the house?
If free roaming privileges have been revoked, why so?
Are you comfortable grooming (nail trims, baths, etc)?
Has your dog ever injured or harmed another animal? Describe the details of the of the injuries, the circumstances and was it reported to animal control?
Has your dog ever bitten a human? Please describe in detail the circumstances of the bite, the severity and was it reported to animal control?
Do you have rental insurance, an umbrella policy or homeowners insurance? Checkbox 3
Every volunteer is required to maintain an active renters policy and/or home owners insurance. Please note, that not all insurance policies will cover fostering, multiple dogs, etc. It is your expressed responsibility to ensure you are within the guidelines of your policies.
I am interested in:
What types of volunteer duties are your interested in?
What superpowers (skills) would you bring to GGWR?
Have you ever been investigated, charged or found guilty of misappropriating funds from a professional or volunteer organization?
Have you ever been investigated, charged or found guilty of animal cruelty? If so, please list details.
Do you foster or volunteer with any other rescue organizations?
Personal Reference #1
This will be used for a personal reference. This reference should NOT be a family member or anyone residing in your home.
First Name
Last Name
Personal Reference #1
Phone number for your first personal reference.
Personal Reference #2
This will be used for a personal reference. This reference should NOT be a family member or anyone residing in your home.
First Name
Last Name
Personal Reference #2
Phone number for your second personal reference.
Today's Date